Are you ready to break out of your comfort zone and grow your photography business? For Rob Greene, that’s exactly what happened when he broke into an untapped market in the photography industry. By saying yes to photographing a group of college seniors at his local university, he completely changed the trajectory of his business. Listen in as he shares what that journey has looked like and how he has built a thriving business around photographing college seniors, despite having nothing in common with them.
Branded by Bernel Podcast is brought to you by Bernel Westbrook, lead designer and founder of Branded by Bernel, a design studio dedicated to building strong brands and Showit websites for creative entrepreneurs.
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Rob Green is a Dallas Fort Worth area Photographer who bends over backwards to serve adventurous, contagiously positive couples and seniors. He is also an educator for photographers who want to make an impact on the world with their images and a ravenous consumer of all things Apple.
Square 8 Studios—it’s a unique name for a photography business, so where did it come from? Growing up, Rob’s family was big on birthdays and Rob’s was on August 8th… 8/8… 8 squared… square 8. One of his favorite memories on a birthday was actually his dad’s birthday. His dad said, “No presents, just dinner.”
At that dinner, Rob’s dad came in carrying gifts for each of them—gifts that they’d all mentioned in conversations. He wanted to pick a day that was supposed to be all about him and make it about the people he loved the most.
It was fitting for his brand to essentially tip his hat to his parents for teaching him generosity. Now he weaves that generosity into his brand by giving away one shoot for every shoot purchased. He wanted to honor his parents in that way.
When Rob first got started in photographing college seniors, it was an accident. Rob’s plan was to photograph high school seniors and weddings. As he began this business, he knew he needed to practice posing so he asked a connection at TCU if they had any couples who would like photos. That’s how he initially started growing his following.
He decided to run a giveaway for his followers, most of which were students at TCU, fully expecting a couple to win. The winner ended up wanting a session with a few of her best friends, but he didn’t shoot friend groups. He shot high school seniors (solo) and couples (two people), not groups. Was this because no one else was doing it? He decided to go for it.
That free session that he almost turned down earned him $800 in purchased photos. They went and told their entire sorority about him.
That’s when he saw the untapped potential of photographing college seniors. Despite the fact that he has nothing in common with them, he’s made it work. He tells his students all the time, if I can do it, you can do it.
Now, six years later, Rob’s company photographs about 10% of all senior girls at TCU each year. It became so successful that he created The College and Sorority Course, where he helps other photographers do in weeks what took him years to do in their own city.
Is there plenty to go around? Absolutely. In the US, there are 17 million college students across a couple thousand universities. The average college has 8,000 students, with about 2,000 students in every grade. Most schools have 60% female attendance, making 1,200 female seniors on the average campus every year. That’s over 1,000 potential clients every year—most of us don’t want that many clients a year or can’t take on that many.
All of these clients are also living within a few blocks of each other; simply give them an experience they’re obsessed with and they’ll talk about you!
What’s even more exciting as a photographer photographing college seniors is when the partner comes along and tells you they bought a ring. You’re taking a journey with these students—moving on to photograph their engagements and weddings. Essentially you’re redefining “milestone” moments as a photographer in this season of your clients’ lives.
Now to my favorite question here on the show, I asked Rob, what are three actionable steps that someone could take today to expand and grow their business?
The College and Sorority Course
Review the Transcript:
Hey, hi. Welcome to the Branded by Bernel podcast. I’m your host Bernel You may know me as the branding and web designer who obsesses over the details so you don’t have to. We all desire to be great at what we do. Although once we get there, no one seems to talk about the messy middle. This motivated me to set the table and invite industry peers over to share stories about living and working in the creative world. So grab the OJ and champagne, pull up a chair, join the creative community and be prepared to build a brand you fall in love with. This is the brand new buy Bernel Podcast. Today on the podcast, I am so so excited to be joined by Rob green. Rob is a photographer and educator based out of Fort Worth, Texas, where he and his dog Snoopy photograph weddings, college grads and help photographers build their business while their clients and make Photo Magic. When he’s not taking photos or helping photographers, you’ll find Rob playing with his latest Apple devices, or watching his favorite soccer team Atlanta unite it. Rob, thank you so much for being on the show today.
Rob Greene
Oh, great to be here. Bernel. Thanks for having me.
Yes, I’m super excited because like a few of my other guests this season, I was able to connect with Rob at the Conquer community event in Charleston, South Carolina in January.
Rob Greene
Come on Heather and Jamie conquer community making it happen.
Yes, it was so good. So good. So many awesome connections were made out of that event. But one of the things that stood out to me about Rob was his passion for helping entrepreneurs. And I know that sounds so generic, but literally, there were multiple moments throughout this event that I was sitting with my laptop trying to brainstorm, you know, having that really serious Bernel look on my face. And Rob would be like, Hey, what are you working on? Like, Hey, how can I help like, and we just let me like bounce stuff off of his incredible brain. So I know firsthand how useful it is to have a conversation with Rob.
Rob Greene
You are so kind Bernel. And you know, I like to think God made me bald so that people could have more easier access to my brain. So I’m glad I could be there for you. Oh, my
goodness. That’s funny. Yes. So what’s so interesting is we’re probably on day three of the event before I really realized what Rob had done the magnitude of what Rob had done. So I went on his website, I checked out all the educators and I was like, oh, okay, like he takes pictures of college students. I mean, that’s cool, I guess like, but I did not realize the magnitude of him taking pictures of college students. So I want to chat with you today, specifically on that market. And like, how did you even get in that market? Because I mean, you’re not a 22 year old girl. So how do you relate to them?
Rob Greene
Yeah, let me tell you, if you want to encounter a really challenging task, go try and crack a market that you have nothing in common with. I was not in Greek life when I was in college. And here I am this out of college dude, who has just quit his full time job and is now going full time as a photographer trying to break into a market that is like the complete opposite demographic of me. So I tell my students in our courses all the time, I’m like, Look, if I could do it, anybody could do it. Because here I had this out of college dude walking on into a sorority chapter meeting and I’m like, What the heck am I doing? But man, we have just had the best time serving the students at TCU.
I love that. So definitely doing something out of the box and pushing past the pushing past the obstacles that were probably there. So let me back up a little bit for you guys listening at home. I have not mentioned what the name of Rob’s company is. It is square eight studios. Can we just talk about where in the world the name square eight came from?
Rob Greene
Yes, I love to tell this story. So growing up, my parents were huge on birthdays. And my birthday was August 8, eighth, eighth, eight squared square eight. I remember my parents one year on my birthday transformed our entire garage into this magical jungle scene because I wanted a jungle themed birthday but the one that stands the most out to me was one of my dad’s birthdays. I think I was in fourth grade this year. And my dad was like, hey, this year no presents for me on my birthday. And we were like No, no, Dad, like that’s not cool. Like it’s your birthday. We got to do presents, like we got to make a big deal about he’s like, Nope, no presents. Meet me at this restaurant at this time. I’ll see you there. So my mom my sister and I we all we get to the restaurant. We’re waiting on dad. He doesn’t show up. He’s running late. Dad’s never late. We’re like what’s going on? Unlike what’s what’s the deal, and then finally incomes walking my dad and as he gets closer we realize he has bags in his hands. And as he sits down at the table out of these bags, he pulls out a gift from my mom, and my sister and me. And it was all gifts of things that he had picked up on in recent conversations with us of things that he knew mattered to us. And he wanted to take a day that was supposed to be about him, and make it about other people, the people that he loved most. And so when I started squaring studio, I did that and had the birthday woven in there because I wanted that to be a tip of the hat to my parents for modeling generosity. To me, generosity is woven throughout everything we do as a business, we give out pretty much. It’s almost like one for one, the photoshoots we give away to the ones that we do. We’ve just woven generosity throughout everything we do as a business. And so I want to make sure I honor my parents in that way. And as I run this thing.
Wow. I love that. Oh, my goodness. Yeah, I did not think that’s where this story was going. So that’s awesome. It’s funny, oh, my imagination is pretty crazy. So I was like, Oh, my goodness, like your dad walks in and tells you like he bought you a company like, or like you guys are starting a family business. And that’s where he bought the restaurant that y’all were sitting in like this literally where I thought that was going and I thought you were going to talk about this being a legacy business. So look at that I was completely off base. But I love that story. And I love that your business name embodies your core value. And your core value being generosity is something we talked about on the podcast a lot. I mean, obviously with branding, it’s so much more than the visuals. A big component of branding is knowing what your core values are and knowing how to show that to the world and shine that on other people. And so I love the generosity is a big one for you.
Rob Greene
Absolutely, yeah, I just I couldn’t couldn’t do this any other way.
Yeah. Oh, that’s so good. Okay, so back on track to walking on this college campus and wanting to shoot college students, because they’re not even just graduates like you’re not just a senior photographer, like we’re shooting college students, college students are part of Greek life. Was this the first time you were offering a photography service? Like, is this your first photography service? Like? How did that? How did that timeline come about?
Rob Greene
So yeah, it’s o ne of those things that I just really, I wondered, like, initially, starting out, I thought, I’m gonna be a high school photographer, and a wedding photographer, like a lot of photographers, and also like a lot of photographers, I thought, you know, I really need some practice with some people to pose. And so I had a connection on the campus at TCU. And I was like, Hey, do any of your friends that are dating want some free photos, because I need some practice. If they want some photos, we’ll make it a thing. So that’s how I started getting my initial followers was really just trying to practice for weddings. And then what happened was, I ran a giveaway. And somewhere through the people that I had photographed and the people that had followed me because I had photographed those people, the person that won want to being somebody that went to TCU. And she asked me, When we were DMing, back and forth. After she won, she was like, Hey, I was wanting to do this session with like four or five of my best friends that we’re all about to graduate. And I thought I needed to tell her no, we don’t do that because I shoot high school seniors, which is solo and I shoot couples, which is pairs, friend groups who shoots friend groups. But then I thought, wait a minute. Just because nobody else is doing it doesn’t mean that I need to rule it out, too. Why don’t I just say yes, and see where this leads. So I did. I had never worked with a friend group before. But I thought let’s just give it a whirl we show up they have a great time it winds up for me as a new photographer being the easiest session I’ve ever photographed to that point. Because I didn’t feel awkward trying to like fill the space in the silence between photos while I’m still kind of working my way around the camera. I’ve tried to learn how the all the dials and buttons work. All of a sudden, these girls are just laughing having a good old time and I just tell them when I’m ready. And they’re like, Okay, and they smile and post. It was so much easier. And we had a great time. And when we got done Bernel These people that had won this free photoshoot with me bought $800 worth of photos. Wow. And they were like we had so much fun. We want to go back and tell our entire sorority about you. And I was like well if you do that, tell them I’m running another giveaway. So I ran another giveaway had no plans of running the giveaway that I’ve been now and like we’re gonna run on now we’re gonna make plans. And the next thing I knew this entire sorority was following me. And from there, I started to have my eyes open to the potential of this market that none of my photographer friends were talking about. None of them seem to think had any potential when I would bring it up. But I was just like, I think there’s something here too. This, and I’m not willing to just walk away, I think I think there’s something that not only could be beneficial to me, but as I learned in the months ahead, could be really potential to a lot of photographers in running their businesses.
Yes. Oh my goodness, I love that you didn’t let the fact that you hadn’t seen it before, stop you. Because I do feel like that intersection, you were at a crossroads when the giveaway winner said, hey, I want to shoot with my friends, that would have been a prime opportunity for you to be like, Yeah, don’t do that. Like, let me pick again, or like, call your boyfriend. And I’ll do a couple shoot, you know, that would have been a prime opportunity for you to say no. And I think it’s interesting. As business owners, there’s this movement. There’s this wave about like, learning to say no learn to set your boundaries. But I think it’s just important to learn to say yes, learn to say yes to new opportunities, learn to say yes to growth opportunities, and you never know, like, so you really broke into an untapped market. So that was six years ago. Right? If I’m following the story correctly,
Rob Greene
I believe so Yeah, six years ago, that is
wild. So fast forward to today. What does that look like in your business?
Rob Greene
So yeah, over those six years, this thing has grown. And as I’ve just continued to look for opportunities to say yes to college students, as they asked, we have now grown to the point that we photograph about 10% of all the senior girls at TCU. Each year, we’ve gotten to work with a lot of the Spirit teams, we’ve had the opportunity work with two of the past four student body presidents just incredible opportunities to do all of that. And now it’s grown to the point that people started asking me, Okay, how are you doing this, and I was able to go and then create a roadmap for other photographers that we call the college, the College and sorority course, that shows other photographers how to do it. So now I get to help other photographers around the country, figure out how to do what I did in their market in their college town. And we are seeing people take ground in weeks that it took me years to do. It’s been amazing. Oh, that’s so
incredible. So that I mean, you read my brain over here, because my next question was going to be is there room for other photographers to learn this? Like, is there enough of potential in that market that they can take a college in Alabama, they could take a college in North Carolina, or they could take a college in New York, and kind of use your same model? Is there room for that?
Rob Greene
Oh, yeah. Bernel. Let me put it to you this way. And I love this because I tend to think in terms of like, there’s plenty to go around. Whereas I know some people try to think like, I gotta get mine. This is what blew me away about the college market, as I started doing the research on this is that in the United States, there are 1 7 million college students divided up around a couple of 1000 colleges and four year universities around the country, which means on average, the average college has around 8000 students at it, which then let’s just play the numbers here. Okay, and let’s go okay, let’s say it’s for grades, freshman, sophomore, junior senior, we will, you know, count out the people taking a victory lap. But I kind of did cards on the table, but you’re looking at 2000 people in every grade. And most schools have about 60% Female attendance. That means and females are the ones that tend to like photos, that means you’re looking at 1200 senior girls, every single year on the average campus, that’s not even talking about like an Alabama that’s got 30 something 1000 students or an Ohio State that’s got 60 something 1000 students, you’re you’re talking about over 1000 potential clients every year. I don’t have room to take on that many clients, most people I know, like, we could have a dozen of us out there taking on 100 clients every year. And like that would be so much money coming in for everybody to go around. And we’d still have room for more. So for the photographer out there, who’s one of the 10s of 1000s, living within a half hour’s drive or so of one of these, you know, couple 1004 year schools. It’s like, man, you’re sitting on a goldmine and Bernel Here’s the craziest thing about this for me, is that you think about these 1000s of people, they all live within a few blocks of each other. Like if you’re a family photographer, all those families are spread out in different neighborhoods around the city around the metroplex. But with college, they’re all living within a few blocks of each other and they’re all running into each other all the time talking about the stuff that they love the most. And so all you have to do is give them the kind of experience they love and are obsessed with and the kind of photos that they love and are obsessed with and all of a sudden, your name is the one they’re talking about when they’re out at dinner with their friends or when they’re at that sorority event the next weekend or when they’re at that football game. It’s your brand that’s coming up in those conversations.
Ah, that is so good. Man. I wish I knew how to work a camera anyway. I am not a photographer in the least bit and it’s funny because as I reflect on Khalid years because I wasn’t a photographer, there were so many pieces of my senior year that I wish could have been documented, because I was not the photographer, like I was just like, man, like, I really love my outfit at this event, like, it would have been so nice to get those pictures with me and my friends, or even just like professional images of me and my friends, because let’s face it, when you get ready for your senior graduation images, your parents want the one of you and your cap and gown, like, they don’t necessarily want the one with you and all your friends, that’s more so around your activities. And so the fact that you can photograph clubs and sororities and athletic associations and, and all of the things that make the college experience, because that’s what makes the experience, right. It’s the people Oh, yeah, the fact that you’re documenting all of that is so powerful, not only to your bottom line as a photographer, like not only from the revenue source, but also going back to that spirit of generosity, I do feel like there’s a level of confidence that the average college girls lacking, even if I fail, even if they put on a good, a good show, that’s just a transitional period in life. So usually you’re a little bit more self conscious, you’re trying to figure out who you are, you’re becoming your own adult. And so for you to get them together, highlight them in such a beautiful way. I mean, it really is like pouring confidence into these people as well. So it’s great. I’m just here to say, Where were you like six years ago. That’s crazy. That was only six years ago.
Rob Greene
But any way, you hit the nail, you hit the nail on the head Bernel. And it’s like that, that takes this beyond just a camera and a paycheck, right, you’re now getting the to really like, pour into people’s lives in a way that has some kind of value above and beyond just a photograph. And where I really get to see this come into play is then like when we photograph, you know their sorority events, but then we photograph their senior photos with their friends, but then we photograph their boyfriends senior photos, and then that boyfriend calls me says, Hey, I bought her a ring. And I’m freaking out, and he’s freaking out. And I get to meet up with him and walk through and plan out the engagement. And I’m there crying behind my camera as he’s getting down on one knee proposing to this girl that I’ve known for three, four years now, and then get to show up later that year and photograph their wedding and all their wedding party or the people that were in their senior grad photos from college, and all their guests are people whose photos we’ve taken, all of a sudden, I’m not just a guy with a camera anymore, like I’m part of their lives and their stories and vice versa. And it’s just so much richer, so much more rewarding that way than just Hey, pay me money and I’ll take your picture.
Yeah, oh my goodness, like you literally are documenting milestones. And it’s interesting because I work with hundreds of photographers all over the country. And a lot of times when I hear the word milestone photographer they mean the first like, five years in baby’s life like that’s honestly what they’re talking about. They do their newborn photos, they do their first birthday, they maybe do like off to kindergarten pictures. And that’s what most people think of milestone photos. But I love how through tapping into this on you know, untapped market honestly, you have redefined what milestone photos mean like you Marie defined time period in life. And so I love that like that is just so good. And I know if you’re listening to this at home, I love all of my podcast guests. I say that a lot. But I mean it because when I interview people and hear this your story is about more than just making money. Now granted, this is a business podcast, so you are making money. But I love that the story and the why behind it is more value based, then monetary base. So if you are listening at home and let’s say you are a wedding photographer, or a newborn photographer or a brand photographer, and you are looking for a way to just dip your toe in the market, like you just want to test it out, right and see if it can work in your area. So prior to the show, Rob told me about this awesome mini course that he is offering. It is entitled college photo 101 and it is March 13 through the 17th. And there he is going to talk more about how he got into this industry, things that you could be doing currently, he’s going to talk to you about his unique approach that led to him photographing over 10% of the senior girls at Texas Christian University, which is TCU like right like that’s what that stands for. Fun fact guys, I did not know this what that stood for before I met Rob in January. So I was like, Huh, I wonder what TC stands for. So that is awesome. Well Rob, we have entered into my favorite part of the show. Can you give the listeners at home three tips that they could take in their business today in order to expand or to grow. And so these can be tips about the the college market. These could be tips about being a business owner. These could just be tips about like finding your way and competence. But I would love to hear those three tips. This is the moment guys pause the show, grab your pen, grab your journal, because Rob is getting ready to drop some gyms and I’m gonna tell you these are gyms that are worth money. So listen up.
Rob Greene
All right, I’m gonna pull these from some of my bot bites that I dropped on my podcast, which Bernel I gotta have you come on, we’re working on our season two angle. So I need to have you come join me for that hope. I hope you’ll take me up on that here soon. But I. So number one is this. If you can spend $1, that makes you $10 spent 100. You can spend $1, that makes you $10 spent 100. I find so many times, especially in the early days of business, we get really careful and rightly so about where we choose to spend our limited resources. I believe it’s important to be able to identify what are the things, the opportunities that I have to spend money that will make back more than I am investing, and to double down on those things. Because that is going to be what grows, it’s like there’s so many I could, for me as a photographer, I could go buy every brand new camera that comes out. But chances are that’s not going to increase my bottom line, I could buy every new lens that comes out. That’s not going to increase my bottom line. But there are some things you know, that will increase my bottom line when I spend in those ways. And so it’s like, that’s what I want to do is find within my niche, what are the things that grow my bottom line. And let me spend more there because if you can spend the dollar that makes you $10, you might as well go and spend 100. The second is going to be this speak the good you see in other people. I think this is true outside of business. I think it’s true inside a business. But for so I talked to so many business owners who are flat out just feeling defeated. feeling like they are barely hanging on feeling like I just don’t know how I’m gonna make it till this point next year, because I’m just so discouraged in my work. But if you go talk to the 1015 20 people close to them, they’re all going, oh my gosh, she’s amazing. She’s killing it. I’m so proud of her. And somewhere along the way between all the people around that person seeing it, and that pert, what that person feels there’s this disconnect where the things that we see don’t ever get said to the people that we see them that that good in. And so I just want to say like if you see the good in somebody, don’t be afraid to speak it up like Bernel, I just want to say like, you are an absolute light, you are a joy. From the moment I walked in to conquer live, you lit that space up and you didn’t just light up like your personal space. I saw you have that energy that lights up other people as well. And I just want to say thank you to you because the joy and the life that you brought to that weekend left me coming home from that weekend feeling so fulfilled. So just energized ready to go. Because I’m like, Man, that that girl is full of life full of joy. So thank you for that. And then the third thing.
Hello, thank you. I mean that that makes me really happy because I yeah, like I like to see other people happy. And I like to see other people experience joy. So I appreciate that. And thank you for taking the time to tell me that because you’re right. I do think that we don’t necessarily always voice how we feel about other people to them. Because we assume they know. It’s like, oh, they know they’re talented, like they know that they’re great. One of the things that stood out to me reciprocating this back to you that same along that same line is the no gatekeeping part of your personality like you did NOT gate keep information. And I feel like that’s the truest form of generosity. A lot of people are generous on the information that they feel like won’t help you be better. Does that make sense? Like they’re generous with very vague tips that it’s like if you figure it out, you didn’t engage keep what you thought would help my business grow you to engage keep some of your experiences. And so I really do feel like you embody generosity. And I hope you know that and I hope that you know that you made an impact in my business. I went home and I actually put some of what you told me into practice like I went home it was like Rob told me this will help me like I should probably listen and it has so yeah, I want to let you know like you’re out here spreading joy as well.
Rob Greene
I love that. Oh and if you’re if you’re hearing this and not seeing it you probably are missing there’s some there’s some little gloss coming up in my eyes right now because nobody listening to this knows the week that I’ve had knows the challenges that I face come in knows the value of what your words to me just spoke in this moment. And so again, just to hit that one one last time like speak the good you see and others don’t just think it it’s not enough to think it in your head. Take the time to say it to somebody and let them know how you feel and what you see in them because they may not see it in themselves. And then the third thing, I’ll get real practical here for you. Just if you’re thinking about, man, I want to do this college thing. I want to try this. But how do I even start? This is this is what I tell everybody is look within your existing connections and see, do I know anybody? Or do I know anybody who knows anybody through work church, my workout group that I’m in whatever, who’s on the college campus near me, and reach out to them and offer them a session. But don’t just offer it to them, offer it to them and their three or four best friends. And what you will do is you will create a connection with a friend group that will start that’s just one of the tips that I’ll be dropping in that college photo 101. But that’s just man, I feel for anybody. That’s just a simple something that you can take stock of your own relationships and go, who do I know or who do I know that know somebody who’s on that campus and I’m gonna go give away a shoot to them. Generosity on a college campus is pretty much always reciprocated. So start there.
Oh, those are so good. I told you guys now if you didn’t listen to me, now you have to rewind it to write down those tips. I told you have you been in favor? Ready? Well, Rob, thank you so much for this incredible information. I knew you were going to provide so much value. Where can people find you? In the show notes below. I have the link to the college one on one course with Rob that’s going on this week. So make sure that you sign up for that. But where else can people find you?
Rob Greene
Best place to check things out is on our Instagram square eight studio. Eight is the number not the word. And then on our podcast, the BOP, which like you heard here a minute ago. Bernel is going to be coming on joining me we’re gonna have her on the show dropping all her goodness and joy on our Bob listeners. So those are the main two ways we got things going on right now.
That sounds great. All right, Robert. I can’t wait to see what you continue to do this year. And hopefully we’ll get to speak together at some more educational conferences and things.
Rob Greene
Yes, ma’am. Can’t wait. Thanks for having me on.
Wow, that went by really fast. As always, thank you so much for showing up in my little corner of the internet. I would love to hear your thoughts on the show. So please, please subscribe, leave a review and share what you learned with friends. Some of the best things in life are freebies. So don’t forget to head over to branded by to check out our free branding goodies, the show notes and more educational resources.